The Benefits of Jogging in Place | Running vs Jogging

The Benefits of Jogging in Place | Running vs Jogging

Running or jogging is a popular form of physical activity also known as the type of aerobic exercise. Running and jogging both are attractive sports because it doesn’t cost much to participate in, and you can run at anywhere any time that suits you.

Some runners choose to participate in fun runs, track events, or marathons. If you want to compete with other runners, please contact your local running club.

Let’s learn about “jogging” and the difference between “running and jogging” that anyone can enjoy lightly. In this article, I will also introduce the benefit of jogging in place.

Running vs Jogging

“I’m going jogging” or “I’m going to run 10 km today”

The two sentences above are the same word for running, but the expression is slightly different.

What is the difference between jogging and running?

Jogging means running lightly. It is a higher version of walking and a lower version of running.

The standard speed for jogging is 45 seconds for 100 m, and the speed is 8 km/h. It is the pace at which you run 1 km in 7 minutes and 30 seconds. This is twice the speed of walking slowly, and it is an exercise intensity in the range of 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. After running while enjoying aerobic exercise comfortably and leisurely, the body is light and there is no strain at all.

The standard running speed is about 100 m in 30 seconds, which corresponds to 12 km/h in terms of speed. The pace at which you run 1 km in 5 minutes. Imagine running for an hour on a treadmill at 12 km/h. This is a fairly difficult exercise for beginners.

If you haven’t exercised since childhood, it can lead to running injuries. It corresponds to 70% to 85% of the maximum heart rate, and if you are a beginner, you can think of it as an exercise intensity in the anaerobic zone.

It is also divided into, Jogging allows you to communicate comfortably while running is so intense that conversation is impossible because you are out of breath.

It may be difficult to accurately distinguish or describe jogging and running. Running at the same speed and distance can be jogging for some, running, and full-power running for some, depending on each person’s physical athletic ability, gender, age, and experience with exercise as a child.

Focus on heart rate rather than speed:

When distinguishing between jogging and running, it is important to distinguish the zone of maximum heart rate rather than speed. Exercise intensity in the range of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate is considered a jogging area, and exercise intensity of 70-85% of the maximum heart rate is considered a running area.

It is often said that the weight of aerobic exercise is high for the effect of jogging and it can burn fat efficiently. On the other hand, it is often said that running is an exercise to increase heart rate and increase reflexes, and the effect of aerobic exercise is relatively small.

In conclusion, high-intensity exercise such as running is more effective in weight loss and fat breakdown than low-intensity exercise such as jogging.

This is because of the absolute amount of fat burning and additional caloric consumption after the burn occurs. In relation to this, in the previous column, I mentioned the change in which the heart rate at rest decreases and the output of the heart improves as the exercise increases.

Of course, walking or jogging will be safe and efficient aerobic exercise at first, but as the intensity increases, the range of such aerobic exercise expands.

Walking, jogging, and running can be viewed as the same line. The muscles used, the effect of exercise, and the improvement of cardiorespiratory function become more effective as the intensity of exercise increases.

However, walking or jogging is preferred as there is a risk of injury as the external force applied to running increases.

Injuries caused by running occur because the body is not yet used to running, and most recover when you stop running. This is because the body has not yet become a body capable of running.

If you give up your impatience and fear and practice little by little and make an effort, there is no exercise as perfect as running.

Simple facts about Jogging:

  • Jogging refers to running lightly at a speed of about 8 km/h.
  • It’s not about running at full speed with all you might.
  • I think I use about 40-70% of my stamina,
  • It’s a leisurely run.
  • In other words, you run with enough intensity to be able to talk to the person next to you.
  • In the past, it was performed as a warm-up (warm-up exercise) to improve the performance of sports.
  • It is less burdensome and relatively easy to do for a long time compared to other exercises.
  • The effect of exercise is excellent, and people who do not have regular exercise habits or who have weak physical strength.
  • Or subjects who are not suitable for high-intensity exercise for middle-aged and elderly people.
  • Recently, it has been implemented as a health promotion exercise therapy.
  • Jogging does not require training regardless of location or cost,
  • It has the advantage of being easy to do because you do not have to wear separate workout clothes.

Benefits of jogging in place

Benefits of jogging in place

We often think of jogging in place as a warm-up exercise before performing the ‘real exercise’. Although, jogging in a stationary position is a very good form of exercise on its own. Let’s take a look at some advantages of running in place.

Some of the advantages are:

1. It Builds Stamina

  • Light jogging or jogging in place increases lung capacity and heart rate, so you can have good endurance.
  • As endurance improves, it prevents blood flow or blood from circulating in vain.
  • It makes all the muscles in the body flexible.
  • In a word, the inside of the body starts to move properly.
  • Recently, jogging is more popular than running at full speed.
  • Studies have also shown that it has the potential to inhibit arteriosclerosis.

2. Relieves stress

  • The root of all diseases is stress!
  • Many young people are under stress in their daily life without knowing it.
  • Everyone has their way to relieve stress.
  • Jogging on the spot is effective in relieving stress.
  • If you run without thinking, you can get out of complicated thoughts for a little while.
  • And after sweating, you can feel more refreshed by washing.
  • I feel better with that refreshing heart, it also removes lethargy by moving the body.
  • If you jog regularly, it will help you sleep well, so you should do it.

3. Reduce body fat

  • Lifelong homework diet, teenagers are no exception.
  • Excessive exercise can lead to easy giving up, which can cause strain on the body.
  • Running in place is an aerobic exercise, so it is effective in burning body fat.
  • However, after starting exercise, fat is used as an energy source.
  • It takes 20-30 minutes, so it is important to jog for at least 20 minutes.

4. Improve metabolism

  • Jogging in place is an exercise that increases muscle mass and basal metabolic rate. It also boosts your metabolism.
  • Metabolism is fundamental for the survival and growth of animals and plants.
  • Intake of necessary nutrients and their conversion into new substances.
  • And it refers to a series of chemical reactions carried out in energy production, etc.
  • In everyday life, it is often used metaphorically to measure the state of health.


If you don’t have much time for gym and exercise, you can easily do jogging on spot regardless of location or cost. It is easy and does not require extra training. Stretching is important, always stretch your muscle before any exercise to avoid injuries. Be hydrated, and stay healthy. Thank You!


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