Hot yoga differs from traditional yoga in several ways, including an emphasis on hot and humid conditions. Although there are many claims about the potential health benefits of hot yoga, scientific support for some of them is limited.
In this article, you will learn what hot yoga is, its possible benefits, and the risks to consider before you start.
It should be avoided by people sensitive to heat due to the hot temperature.
What is Hot Yoga?

According to the American Council on Exercise (ACE) studio, hot yoga temperature often ranges from 90°F (32°C) to 105°F (40°C) that state.
Bikram Choudhury introduced the concept of hot yoga to America in the 1970s. Bikram Yoga treats yoga as an exercise routine done in hot temperatures.
Participants follow a series of actions that are repeated once during the session. Many studies looking at the benefits of hot yoga relate specifically to Bikram yoga.
However, not all hot yoga follows Bikram therapy. Studios offering hot yoga have made changes to their daily use temperatures and temperatures since they were introduced.
What hot yoga does to your body?
Some of the benefits of hot yoga are mentioned below:
More Flexibility
Proponents of hot yoga believe that heat can help warm up and stretch faster. Hot yoga poses allow the person to stretch better and potentially get more out of the session.
Some studies support this claim. For example, a reliable source study found that people who took part in hot yoga experienced significant increases in back, hamstring, and shoulder flexibility.
However, no changes in cardiovascular measures or aerobic exercise were found in the same study.
Because the study is small, more research is needed to determine whether warm temperatures aid stretching and flexibility.
Burn More Calories
Hot yoga, especially Bikram yoga, is a popular exercise option due to its claims that it can burn up to 1,000 calories per session. However, research does not support this.
In a 2014 small study in Trusted Source, researchers found that hot yoga participants burned an average of 286 calories in 90 minutes.
Calorie consumption varies widely from person to person due to age, weight, and overall fitness, so the range is 179-478 calories.
Increase in Bone Density
Another small study, this time of nine female Bikram yoga instructors, found an increase in bone density over five years.
The instructor taught in addition to attending at least three classes per week.
However, the increase in bone density is not unique to hot yoga or Bikram yoga.
In fact, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, a weight loss exercise routine can help a person consistently improve bone density.
Promotes Cardiovascular Health
According to one small study of 19 healthy, experienced participants, one Bikram yoga session can trigger a moderate metabolic response, increase heart rate, and raise core temperature.
However, the routine is very specific in Bikram yoga, so a person may not experience the same results in other less vigorous hot yoga sessions.The researchers also noted that the metabolic effect was equivalent to walking 3.5 miles per hour.
Reduce stress
Traditional yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety, so hot yoga may have similar benefits.
One reliable source study looked at the effects of a 16-week Bikram yoga regimen on stressed, physically inactive adults.
The group who did yoga reported a significant reduction in stress levels at the end of the study.
Improves Glucose Tolerance
The authors of a 2013 study source observed glucose tolerance levels in obesity in 14 young and skinny adults and 15 older adults.
Both groups completed an 8-week Bikram yoga program. Results show that Bikram yoga may help improve glucose tolerance in obese adults, but it does not affect younger, healthier adults.
However, not all hot yoga sessions will yield these results. This study is small in scale and further studies are needed to support the conclusions.
Risks and Considerations
Hot yoga can provide several benefits. However, the many benefits it offers are similar to other exercise routines. Hot yoga also has the following risks: Overheating or heat exhaustion dehydration muscle damage ACE also recommends that those new to yoga and those who are less physically fit stick to traditional yoga. If a person experiences dizziness, nausea, or shortness of breath, they must leave the room. Hydrating before starting hot yoga and increasing your overall fitness level can help with your daily routine. People should consult their doctor before starting hot yoga. They can give you advice on whether hot yoga is right for you. If not, your doctor may recommend other exercises instead.
There is limited research showing that participating in hot yoga can increase flexibility, improve heart health, and improve glucose tolerance. However, more research is needed to confirm all these results. Hot yoga isn’t for everyone. Those new to yoga may want to start with a traditional class. For those trying hot yoga, it’s important to stay hydrated and stop if you feel sick while participating.