What foods are High in Carb? Refined vs Complex Carbs

What foods are High in Carb? Refined vs Complex Carbs


Carbohydrates or carbs, along with proteins and fats, are one of the three macro-nutrients the body needs to function optimally.

To stay healthy, full of energy, and healthy, these macro-nutrients should make up most of your diet.

Type of carbohydrates in food:

There are two types of carbs: refined carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.

Refined carbohydrates are those made from simple sugars and processed grains that have been processed to remove nutrients and fiber. They are quickly broken down by the body into blood sugar, causing the blood sugar to drop back down, causing an energy boost that accompanies a ‘slump’.

Complex carbohydrates, including whole grains and most vegetables, are not rapidly broken down into glucose by the body. They are digested more slowly and converted to blood glucose, providing a steadier and stable long-lasting energy source.

With this switch, you can increase your fiber intake, balance your blood sugar, and reduce your risk of a variety of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Also, eating healthy, high-carb foods can help keep your energy levels high.

What foods are high in carbs?

These are the foods that are rich in carbohydrates:


As a source of complex carbohydrates, grains play a major role in keeping our bodies healthy. It not only provides vitamins, minerals, and fiber but also provides energy to the cells of our body. Brown rice, bread, and pasta made from whole grain flour, quinoa, and buckwheat are high in carbohydrates, so eating these foods before the start of a busy day will provide you with long-lasting energy. They also contain high amounts of nutrients and fiber, making them a great choice for overall health.

Replace refined white carbs with whole-grain versions and see the difference in energy levels in just a few days. If you are getting more fiber in your diet to avoid digestive problems like constipation, be sure to increase your fluid intake.


Bananas are a high-carb food, high in starch and natural sugar. Do not give up eating bananas because of this. Active types who enjoy gym yoga, Pilates, etc. enjoy eating bananas because they provide 100% natural energy and are a great source of potassium and vitamin C.

And other Fruits

The term ‘carbohydrate’ encompasses many types of food and beverages. When people think of carbohydrates, they think of bread and pasta, but carbohydrates can be in the form of sugar, fiber, or starch. As a result, people may be surprised by foods high in carbohydrates. For example, did you know that blueberries, apples, and oranges are high in carb foods? They replenish energy thanks to the natural sugars they contain.

Replace other high-carb foods like cakes with fruit and Greek yogurt for added sweetness without sugar. Or try the blueberry and banana loaf recipe.


Beans like chickpeas (chickpeas), red kidney beans, butter beans, and cannellini beans are rich in complex carbohydrates that digest slowly and keep you full for hours, providing energy that your body releases slowly. Beans and lentils are considered a part of your daily intake of fruits and vegetables and can serve as the basis for numerous dishes. Try our Almond Lentils Stew Recipe.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are very nutritious. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese, as well as fiber and even some protein, and is rich in complex carbohydrates that are energy-consuming, making it relatively low in calories.

Refined VS Complex carbs:

Carbohydrates provide energy to the body, but not all carbohydrates are created equal. Refined carbs don’t provide lasting energy, and eating too much can cause health problems.

Carbohydrates or carbs are an important part of a balanced diet. Unprocessed carbohydrates contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

However, processing them removes nutrients and creates refined carbohydrates, which people sometimes refer to as empty carbohydrates or empty calories.

Refined carbohydrates provide few vitamins and minerals. Because the body processes refined carbohydrates quickly, it does not provide a sustained energy supply and can cause a person’s blood sugar to spike.

In this article, we will look at the difference between refined carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. It also lists alternative foods that people can choose from.

Carbohydrates consist of:

Sugar: Fruit, dairy, and ultra-processed foods (such as sodas and flavored candy bars) contain sugar.

Starch: Grains, legumes, and vegetables contain starch.

Fiber: The digestive system cannot break down the dietary fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and other foods.

The body quickly digests refined carbohydrates and provides a source of energy. However, blood sugar can rise quickly, causing the pancreas to release insulin.

Health effects of refined carbohydrates:

The body uses refined carbs much faster than it uses refined carbs.

As a result, refined carbs produce short bursts of energy, while unrefined carbs release energy slowly throughout the day.

After a short burst of energy, a person may need to eat more food to gain more energy.

As a result, you burn a lot of calories, which can contribute to weight gain.

Being overweight can increase your risk of health problems,

Such as:

  • Heart Disease
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Back Pain
  • Osteoarthritis

Refined carbohydrates are also not as nutritious as unrefined carbohydrates. They lack fiber, which is important for digestive health and stabilizing blood sugar.

Ideally, a person should consume between 200 and 300 g of carbohydrates per day.

Type of carbohydrates in food

Carbohydrates can be simple or complex:

Both contain small particles called molecules, which bind together in chains.
Complex carbohydrates are made up of long chains, and short chains are made up of simple carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates affect a person’s blood sugar. You can use the glycemic index tool to track your carbohydrate intake.
Complex carbohydrates that score low on the glycemic index tool include oatmeal, sweet potatoes, peas, fruits, and vegetables.

These types of carbohydrates have more nutritional benefits and take longer for the body to digest. As a result, they have a healthier effect on a person’s blood sugar levels.

Refined carbohydrates score high on the glycemic index and include white bread, popcorn, potatoes, and rice cakes. These types of carbohydrates may increase the risk of certain health conditions, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Examples of refined carbs:

Refined carbs are present in two main foods: refined grains and refined sugars.

Milling the grain removes the bran and germs. This will improve the shelf life of the grain and give it a better texture. However, it eliminates B vitamins, iron, and dietary fiber.

Refined Carbs List:

  • Bread and Tortillas with White Flour
  • Bagel
  • Waffles and Pies
  • Breakfast Cereal
  • White Rice
  • Pizza

People can find refined sugar in a variety of sweet and savory foods.

  • Flavored Yogurt
  • Cake
  • Sodas, Fruit Juices, and Smoothies
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Condiments Such as Ketchup or BBQ Sauce
  • Granola

Examples of complex carbohydrates

Unprocessed foods are generally low in refined carbohydrates.

Some examples are:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Brown Rice
  • Legumes and Pulses

According to the Department of Agriculture, current dietary guidelines for people in the United States recommend that half of all plates be fruits and vegetables. Also, at least half of the grains people eat must be whole grains.

How to avoid refined carbohydrates?

People can make healthy decisions if they want something sweet, such as eating fruit and choosing to eat brown rice or whole grain bread instead of white rice or bread.

It is best not to add sugar to food. Adding sugar to food does not improve its nutritional value.

When shopping, a person can check the label to make healthy decisions.

Manufacturers use several different names for refined sugar, so people should check the label for the following ingredients:

  • Syrup
  • Molasses
  • Sweetener
  • Fruit Sugar
  • Saccharose
  • Maltose
  • Glucose

Alternatives to be considered

Some alternatives to refined carbohydrates include:

  • White Bread
  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Flavored Yogurt
  • Natural Yogurt
  • Ready-made Pasta Sauce
  • Herbs and Chopped Tomatoes
  • Cereal for Breakfast
  • Oatmeal
  • White Rice
  • Brown Rice


Refined carbohydrates do not provide sustained energy and are devoid of important nutrients.

Eating too many refined carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and health problems.

Gradually reducing the number of refined carbohydrates in your diet and choosing healthy alternatives can benefit your overall health.

You can avoid carbohydrates by carefully checking food labels. A healthy diet should include whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and unprocessed foods.


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